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There have been a lot of people making snarky comments about the death of Gary Coleman, who has sadly been a punchline for way too long. From Jezebel, read a sweet and well written tribute:

“It took about 2.5 seconds for hacky jokes about Coleman’s death to start flying around on the internet, which isn’t terribly unexpected, as the public has placed Coleman in that role for so long. But that’s a shame, and not just for the obvious reasons, but because Coleman’s legacy should not simply be that of a cautionary tale or a go-to reference for shitty comedians. Gary Coleman was really funny. He had insanely good timing and the ability to take a so-so joke and turn it into something special. There’s a reason his catchphrase has held up for 25 years: the best lines were the ones Gary Coleman delivered, not the ones told about him.”

Read the rest of the article here.


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Why Flash Forward was cancelled.

TV Squad lists the “Four Reasons Flash Forward Was Cancelled”:

“The bottom line is that the creators failed to deliver on the promise of the premise. People were intrigued by the idea of ‘FlashForward.’ The pilot tested well and, by early buzz, it looked like ABC may have found their “replacement” for ‘Lost.’ But while ‘Lost’ got more and more complex and intense as it went along, ‘FlashForward’ quickly went off the rails.”

Read the rest of the article here.

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Say goodbye to another show.

Flash Forward is officially cancelled. So, that happened. Ugh.

This is why I hate watching shows like FF. I liked this show in the beginning, then ABC thought it would be a really cool idea to take a break in the middle of the drama. When it came back it had lost a big chunk of it’s following and was never able to get it back. Apparently, they will also be leaving viewers hanging with several unresolved questions.